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Dolphinaris is the third largest dolphin captivity company in Mexico. It has 5 facilities in Quintana Roo and a new dolphinarium in the Arizona desert, USA. The Riviera Maya Dolphinaris is prison to many cetaceans, one lone male dolphin in particular leads an abysmal 'life'. Ajitzi is thought to be around 28 years of age and is one of Dolphinaris's oldest dolphins. He was taken from the wild in Cuba, where research suggests that inadequate studies are taken out on populations of wild dolphins, so they cannot accurately calculate whether the captures are adversely affecting the free dolphins (Van Waerebeek et al. 2006).

Ajitzi has become too dangerous to work with the public, 'work' being when he is forced to swim and interact with paying customers as entertainment. Dolphin Freedom UK has been informed that he was traumatized from the capture process as he was “badly treated”. During his enslavement of him he has previously interacted with the public, but he has now become too much of a liability, and appears to be regarded as unsafe.

Ajitzi is held alone in a tank at the back of the park, where he cannot integrate with any other animals. He can observe and communicate with a few of the other male dolphins through bars in his tank. He is fed and kept alive by keepers, but receives minimal interaction. Occasionally, park visitors are given the opportunity to feed and train him as a free entertainment activity. This would maybe take about 10 minutes and could happen twice a day. He receives little training when he is fed, but otherwise remains totally isolated. His current housing de él is almost as far from his natural environment de él as you can get, trapped in a small tank that provides a tiny fraction of the space he would utilize in the ocean.

In their natural habitat, dolphins are known to occupy an area of ​​1,000 – 1,500 square miles, and in one day can travel any distance from a few miles to over 40. This is no life for any animal, least of all a sophisticated and intelligent cetacean such as a dolphin. Many marine parks hold horror stories that echo the torture Ajitzi must endure on a day to day basis, but there are things you can do to help end this barbaric practice. Share this information and help Dolphin Freedom UK by raising awareness about the atrocities these parks are forcing dolphins to endure.

Captive dolphin kept in permanent isolation

Dolphinaris is the third largest dolphin captive company in Mexico. It has five (5) establishments in Quintana Roo, and a new dolphinarium in the Arizona desert, in the United States of America. The “Riviera Maya Dolphinaris” is a prison for many cetaceans, where one male dolphin in particular, Ajitzi, “lives” an abysmal life. Ajitizi is believed to be 28 years old and is one of the oldest dolphins in Dolphinaris. He was captured in Cuba, where research suggests that there are no adequate studies on free-ranging dolphin populations; therefore it is not possible to accurately calculate whether the catches are affecting the dolphins in the wild (Van Waerebeek et al. 2006).

Ajitzi has become a dangerous dolphin to "work" with the public, and by "work" he means that Ajitzi is forced to swim and interact with paying visitors for entertainment. Dolphin Freedom in the UK has been informed that Ajitzi was traumatized by his capture because he suffered "mistreatment". During his capture, Ajitzi has interacted with the public, but has now become a risk to the park and appears to be considered dangerous.

Ajitzi has been confined in solitary confinement in a tank at the back of the water park, where it is not possible for him to integrate with other animals. He can only observe and communicate with the few male dolphins that live there, through the bars that are in his tank. The water park keepers feed and keep this male dolphin alive, but have minimal interaction with him. Occasionally visitors to the water park have the opportunity to feed and train it as part of the entertainment on offer. However, this activity may take 10 minutes a day and would only occur twice a day. Ajitzi receives little training when he is fed and otherwise is kept completely isolated. The place where he currently lives is far from resembling his natural habitat,

Dolphins in their natural habitat are known to occupy an area between 1,000 and 1,500 square miles, and in a single day they can travel anywhere from a few to 40 miles. This is not life for any animal, much less for a cetacean as intelligent and sophisticated as the dolphin. Several water parks have horror stories that have resonated with the torture Ajitzi faces on a daily basis, but there are things we can do to help end this barbaric practice. Please spread this information and help Dolphin Freedom UK raise awareness about the atrocities these water parks force dolphins to endure.


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